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This Week's Publication - Week of Feb. 26

최종 수정일: 3월 4일

  • "The AI Entrepreneur: How Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Business" on Feb. 26;

  • "The AI Content Creator's Handbook: Thriving in the Golden Age", "From Silicon Valley to the Sahara: AI Entrepreneurs Embracing Nomadic Life", and "The AI Career Playbook: A Guide to Planning Ahead" on Feb. 27;

  • "Mapping the Future: AI Trends in Cultural Analysis" and "AI-Powered Storytelling: Personalized Content Strategies for Creative Writers" on Feb. 28;

  • "Redefining Work: Posthuman Career Paths for Tech Enthusiasts" and "Identity Shift: Exploring Erikson's Theory in the Age of AI" on Feb. 29;

  • "Digital Cultures: Symbolic Anthropology and AI in the 21st Centry" and "The Posthuman Paradigm: Navigating the Future of Humanity" on Mar. 1;

  • "Fun Facts About Korea" (Paperback/Kindle e-book), "The Future of Art and Technology: Neuroaesthetics for AI Enthusiasts" and "AI And Culture: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Humanity" on Mar. 2;

  • "Religions of Korea" (Paperback/Kindle e-book) on Mar. 3.

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